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Dallas, Texas, United States

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I Wanted To Be Like The Other Kids

.........so I just had to see what my blog is rated.

Online Dating

Apparently I've used the words "hell" (6 x), "ass" (2x), and whore (1x).

Shit. Fuckity fuck.

That's all?


Sassy said...

I got R too. I'm looking to upgrade my rating to NC-17.

Anonymous said...

I did that blog rate thingy. I got flagged for "crap."

R-rated for "crap?"

Sassy Blondie said...

Cruiser-Just throw in the words "gun", "dead", and "bitch" a few more times, and I swear you'll get climb that mountain to NC-17...

D-HOR said...

No fair I want to do my blog!! But I'll have to use our slow computer that doesn't have a filter on it. ARG.. OH well do I really swear that much anyways?? Gufaw.

Kerry said...

I dont think we've let the F-Bomb drop.. nor have we used the horrid 'C' word (althought we'd love to!) but... is there software that we can use to count those words for us?!?!? lol

Sassy Blondie said...

Again, Kanoff-Que?

CruiserMel said...

kanoff - Que la fuck?

CruiserMel said...

SB & Lindy - I wonder if I can get that printed up on some panties by tonight. Y'all crack me up.

D-HOR said...

The word panties makes me giggle. Yeah I'm that imature.

Sassy Blondie said...

Let's hear about the concert, Cruiser!!!!